Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hiw To Speed Up Your First Period

And then comes in every woman's life, the time for excuses ...

This post is to apologize.
I know that is not an excuse but you have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bhormonal imbalance in a woman during a period of months. Or rather, he often suffered the consequences but do not know that for us it is almost impossible to stop this flow of negativity and irritability that pervades us and makes us look like greedy howler monkeys and owned by some angry spirit of Native American exterminated by the U.S. military. So
- sorry bartender mumbled greeting for the morning is more like a fuck that a good morning.
- sorry sister, because I can not share your justified panic about a mouse in your house on the 7th floor, because they are more intent on observing my horrible split ends (it becomes much more insecure "in that time "...)
- sorry mum if they are 2 days that I have come to take the lasagne with broccoli and sausage, but I've seen yet, but trust me: it is much better that way.
- Sorry if nephew when cheats shamelessly in Shanghai, instead of understanding that you are a child of 7 years, I c'incazzo (but is also a question of morality, gosh!).
- Sorry, dear colleague See, I miss that so much controversy that accompanies me thin vein (eccheccazzo, they learned 'sti 4 scientists to set the paper size when printing ..' I'm beep ago get annoyed!).
- Sorry Bri when paused if you ask me to go get a coffee 'together, grumbling a "ok" as if I had proposed going to shovel manure. I am comforted by the mere fact that you are unbalanced as I am, a hormonal level. And yes, this is a fucking excuse.
- Sorry if Barry strange for me of things that if you tell me in a couple of days, I laugh in your face saying it is not possible and you've got it wrong (so actually apologized twice because you do well in the visionary ).

said that, to my family shrug and a sigh, "yeah well ... this touched there."
To those I have chosen and continue to do day after day, know that I admire you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Laboratory 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems


Yesterday, while Barry and I parked the car in my neighborhood and I was ready to illustrate, not without some heavy, the merits of the district where I live, a man spat several times on the ground in front of the machine.
I've lost credibility in the space of a second ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fashion Tv India Show Timeings

axes, Paintings and Coins

mission of 28 hours including 10 cars and 7 of sleep.
Among the 10 hour drive there are a couple in which I try to explain the Trump all'ammistratore delegate and one of the directors.
course in French. They had never even seen the cards Neapolitan (overflight on the level of difficulty and my neurons do power yoga).
After carefully avoided by sheer ignorance, translate the word "denier," hiding behind national-popular explanations and tarot cards, I discovered today that the French translation is "Carreau" ...
er ...
Diamonds? I, for charity, the French love you, I love them indeed, but because they have to translate everything, even the concepts??

Monday, September 20, 2010

Skin Burst Blood Vessel Breasts


  1. Solitude of Prime Numbers, Paolo Giordano.
  2. The Valkyries, Paulo Coelho.
  3. Accabadora , Michela Murgia. Eat pray love
  4. , Elizabeth Gilbert.
  5. Intermittent , Andrea Camilleri.
  6. I love mini shopping , Sophie Kinsella.
  7. Secrets of the Vatican, Corrado Augias
  8. Steel , Silvia Avalos.
  9. Mussolini Canal, Antonio Pennacchi.
  10. The psychiatrist, Wulf Dorn.
This chart is compiled on the basis of securities sold in more than 500 outlets Mondadori Franchising in the period between 13 and 19 September.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Penthouse Letters Erotica

Cucunci, mon cauchemar!

craving While I wait for my mother to send mail to me at my colleague See his amazing recipe for veal with tuna sauce (drowning us in there) - seasoned with a few places that now face independently and with irony thanks to Gmail - I remember my allergy capers.
Yes, yes, capers.
when I state that I eat are a vacuum and that, except for the insects that make me sick regardless, I eat everything, even the paper. When my metabolism will change (because it will change, I know, I know you), I can say that I have a problem.
still get capers. It's actually one of my flaws in the genetic code comes from my eccentric father. The effects of allergy and capers are the appearance of small itchy blisters on the face and hurt as if they were pins. Of course, the rare occasions when I happened to eat capers (damn they're everywhere), is always some laughter erupted around me. Do not tell me what a laugh I fecevo. Uh.
Well, from a certain point in time my mother began to cook with capers recipes just for the joy of my sister who discovered at the tender age of 35 years, a visceral love for cucunci.
Ma '"Today, swordfish with tomatoes and capers"
My sister: "Wow!"
Ma '"Today, tomato paste, olives ..."
My sister "... and capers, I recommend!"
At the pizza with capers began to show some 'disappointment. I was ghettoized: only one corner the pizza was left "sterile." What then, there would not say so, but it's not that I had charged like a fool carrying senseless battle against the fruit only because I stood on the balls or the shape or color combination with red tomatoes. I am allergic to diana! Even
the only newspaper clipping attached to the kitchen covered the great review of a restaurant called Fiumicino ... The Cucunci precisely!
It was then that I began to think it was a way to remove it. I decided that the move would be the best solution.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dungeons And Dragons Map Boat

For better or for worse

It 's a difficult period, this. And
usually do not write in the midst of difficult times because they are too busy living them intensely, get inside, rotolarmici together. Once you have passed on, I can finally write.
These days I feel all the weight of responsibility that, at the same time, I have attached and have given me over the years. With knowledge of the facts. A responsibility that I even wanted by force.
The feeling is cyclical, but perhaps now beginning to be cumbersome. Probably never live like an umbilical cord is completely severed or simply fear of not being able to keep up with events. It 's all the weight of the certainties that I have always shown and since those who have made me grow up trying not to arouse any concerns. Those in which, if not met, gave rise to violent sentences, strong, even speaking of disappointments. Of those phrases that glues you to him, skin, and even though you know that are caused by instinct and not rational, you can not remove them anymore. I can fade and lose color, but not leave. And now that my personal situation, professional and emotional is strong and steady as granite, I feel the blows of an ax, quell'ascia I know since I was born and always tries to show that they are not so strong. Probably it is his need to prove that it is still useful to me, all of us. That his words have any weight.
Well, for me that weight and strength still have it. But right now I have no desire to fight to find my boundaries because I found them already, and, more importantly, I like them. For better or for worse.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Seman Is Drinkable?


last night from a local beach on the Roman coast came "Come as you are" in house version.
I felt a strong desire to go there to beat the DJ.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Can You Use Suave Cocoa Your Face

Onta & Shame

I scratched the car this morning at three and a half against a stupid post to exit a parking lot. That post I just had not seen. According to me someone came to put it on the sly in the concrete after I joined in the car.
Incidentally I had just put the first and I was ready to make a fairly complex operation, and said to my man watching me from outside, "You've never seen him do the reverse? It 's my heel Achilles. " There. And only the mica.
I felt like an idiot.
And I was also sober.