Thursday, July 22, 2010

Female Stripper Videios

To hell and back

One of the remaining wisdom teeth hurts. Alternating moments of peace to others in hell that I would tear it with pincers on its own after having thrown down a few glasses of whiskey peat.
With this pain that accompanies me on Monday and a few hours of sleep behind it, yesterday I passed an exam for Information Law at the Faculty of Oriental languages \u200b\u200band civilizations in which there is a section devoted to science communication . Before the arrival of the classroom teacher was full of screaming people playing with water guns. No, say water guns. Classroom.
A chick came up to me and says: "I am of these languages \u200b\u200band civilizations East do not like them: they think they live in a manga. "
I look at it and sigh because I understand the annoyance, but I do not speak because it is contrary to these generalizations and clashes between faculties.
Then to me:" No, I I really have to talk to the professor. The next year in seventh out of course and I have absolutely graduate first. "
" Ah .. seventh!? "- I know, but I could not help myself -" Ok, but the last one? "
" Nonsense! ".
" Ah. "
" That's why I talk to them. I 'st'esame I have to overcome by force. "

I look dejected.
Those students will live well into a manga but she believes to be the festival of the cockle.


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