Monday, April 16, 2007

Wakeboarding Cartoon Birthday

The facade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo

T ra in November and December 1515 Leo X, the Medici family, pope for two years, decided to return to solemn visit to Florence, and on this occasion had the idea to hold a contest to give the facade of San Lorenzo, the unfinished basilica designed by Brunelleschi sponsored by the Medici family since the foundation (in 1421), and place Member for their burials. The proposal was in a time when Michelangelo seemed to turn special attention to the problems of architectural composition, hence perhaps the artist's perseverance in the course of events that led him to be the sole author of the final project. They were with him at the beginning, Antonio and Giuliano da Sangallo, Jacopo Sansovino, Baccio d'Agnolo, the Raphael.
seems at first to Michelangelo was only entrusted with the task of supervising the sculptural decoration, and proceeded to enforce Jacopo Sansovino, Baccio d'Agnolo a wooden model for the facade, much appreciated at the time, and now lost. During the year 1516, the contention for a prestigious commission so touched moments of bitter struggle, until, in autumn, Michelangelo obtained by Leo X in charge for the architectural design of the facade. Finally freed of its competitors, he ingeniously solved the problem that always haunted the architects of the Renaissance, when classical orders were applied correctly to the facades of churches irregular-shaped basilica: hid, and he forget the exterior of the church lay behind the scene a beautiful mansion.
Michelangelo's design of the façade across three main stages, which can be identified in three of the drawings collection of the Casa Buonarroti, 45 A, 47 A, 43 A. It is now clarified the latter sheet is translated in all likelihood in large wooden model of the Casa Buonarroti, which reflects the transition from ITER project executive, set in the contract between the artist and Leo X January 19, 1518. On March 10, 1520 Michelangelo himself records the termination of the contract, even if only as regards the supply of marble, and the material so far collected is intended to pave the church of Santa Maria del Fiore. But the activity of the site continues, albeit slowly, and if they have certain evidence until April 1521.
In that year died Leo X, after the short pontificate of Adrian VI ascended the papal throne in November of 1523, Clement VII, who was also a doctor, who clearly more than once his intention to resume work on the facade. Only his death (1534) sold out forever any possibility of achieving the great and troubled project.

On the occasion of the celebrations in memory of Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, Electric Palatine, and the last descendant of Medici, was the one who gave the wonderful heritage of his family to the city and not to Lorraine, who ruled at that time Florence was the illuminated facade of the basilica, with images of Michelangelo's original design and was given a column designed by the artist, from the quarries of the Alps Apuan, kept at the Foundation for Art Teseco "Pisa.


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