Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Can U Premake Pancake Batter

Poppiano (FI)

The Poppiano Castle, of Roman origin and which derives its name from the gens or Poppeia Papia, was an imposing medieval building with a triple around the walls built around the 'one thousand years as a fortress to defend the external Firenze.Feudo before Alberti, since the thirteenth century belonged to the Guicciardini, who thought they were originating Popian Castella, because in his book De Ugolino Verino illustrat. Urbis. Flor. to Book III, talking about the lineage Guicciardini, repeated the tradition of those who assumed the original Cotesta Poppiano, singing like this:

human opinion alii primas sedes in Flumini
Ac Popian trahant veteres castles colonos
Nobilis et prisca east longeque potentia

However, as highlighted by an act of heritage 'of 1199, in the family for at least nine centuries. Castle for its dominant position on the validity of the Pesa and Elsa, was the scene of important historical events.

I n this long period was the center of many events related to the history of Florence: the raids of lunches Castruccio Castracani the castrum of Poppiano by troops of Giovanni Acuto (John Hawkwood, the famous leader of Ventura English) in 1369 after the Battle of Ditch Armonico, near Main. The castle was destroyed in 1529 by Maramaldo during the siege of Florence, Francesco Guicciardini as recalled in his Memoirs. The Castle as it stands today, while preserving the ancient grandeur, and 'the result of the restoration based on existing images in frescoes of Guicciardini in other villas in Val di Pesa and Val d'Elsa, after the damage caused by an earthquake in 1812.
If the violence of the siege and war did not spare Poppiano, yet it was a recreation center for people like that Vincenzo Borghini used to meet from here with Florence's most educated of the time, as evidenced by correspondence with the Vasari, since the Spedale degli Innocenti had a villa where Spedalinghi were going to spend the autumn.

I Guicciardini since 1200 had an important position in political, social and economic development in Florence and in 1416 Peter G. was named "Count Palatine" Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg. They participated actively in public life in Florence where they supply 44 "priority", 16 "Standard-bearer of justice" and 12 senators.
L personality to 'pre-eminent of the family was Francesco, the historian (1483-1540), after have covered important assignments with Doctors - Ambassador to Spain, Governor of Modena and Reggio, head of the League of Cognac - retired 'in Florence and the stern where he wrote most of his work' note, "History of Italy."

to Poppiano Originally there were two churches: St. Blaise and St. Nicholas, later merged.
The church with two counts became prioress in 1689: the presence of two arms of the portal Guicciardini shows the patronage of this family on the church that they came with liturgical furnishings. At the same periods can be traced back to the restoration of the church. Other
noble family, originally from Poppiano were Ridolfi Piazza whose arms is carved on a marble ciborium beside the high altar adorned with a beautiful wooden crucifix.


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