The July 25, 1943 was Sunday, a beautiful summer day. The film was gremitissimo Greve A. Boito, when some villagers, smiling shyly, entered the room, announcing the fall of Mussolini. The programming was interrupted, the lights were lit and people poured outside to comment on the news they had all the hope in the soul of an early end to the war. The next day he appeared at the windows and the Tricolour appeared on the walls written in praise of the king, freedom, Badoglio and written a political nature that were made immediately clear, at the invitation of the prefect, by the City. But it was not prevented from chipping fascist emblem on the existing town hall, schools, housing beam, on the war memorial. Were also removed iron beams etched in the public fountains. "After the fall of the regime - he wrote Don Corrado Raspimi, pastor of Upper Girdle, in his Chronicle of the emergency - the people you gave ... in spite of the famine by growing to 8th September. On the evening of that day he felt a great clamor around the hill. I looked - Sir priest, sound the bells, there is peace! Half an hour later the church was packed: it begged me to sing the Te Deum-(...) there shortly after the street, laughing, singing, shouting and jumping like crazy. A few days later, motorcycles, bicycles, horses mounted, riderless horses, men in uniform, soldiers without rifles, some with one, even those with two, ran about on all sides. It was all planned by the tumble and the collapse of all the lies told by May 24, 1915 to Today ".
Meanwhile, the mountains around Greve were forming groups of partisans. Particularly large was settled in a few refuges in the Montemoggino. Massif Mount angelfish. grevigiana particularly hard for the community was the summer of 1944 for the passage of the front on the ground. As for the troops Germanic had three reprisals in Pian d'Tree;'s farm in Dudda Querceto; Good evening to the Villa the bench. In the first there were four killed in combat partisans and 18 hanged, shot 7 in the second and third 5.
retaliation for the latter, only after the liberation of the Municipality of what the family knew and mourned their loved ones: Corinth Burgassi, Faithful and Ferdinand Vettori, Christmas and Livio Picaneti Contri. In addition to these 12 other fallen in the past for weapons between 24 and 28 July. On the morning of July 24th the first Allied patrols entered in Greve. Two days later settled, on the premises of the cooperative among the workers of New Italy Greve, the Committee of National Liberation (CLN) composed by Charles Baldwin, Emily Suckling. Forese Donati, Tertullian Favalli, Gino Mori and John Mugnaini. Resumed promptly service all municipal employees, the banks were reopened, post offices, collection and municipal treasury, the agricultural consortium and many shops. The population, previously evacuated, returned en masse in the country, because the day before the church bells had sounded uninterruptedly for about half an hour, with intervals of five minutes. The four bells were rung only on the proposed Don Alessandro Ferretti and Carlo Baldini, because very few people were left in the country and most importantly almost all invalid. At the sound of the bells of the churches of Greve said those parishes that had been liberated, the Germans heard the sound of this release. At the urgent invitation of the captain of the Scots Guards RW Burkley, military governor of the area, met 27 days ago the CLN to describe the mayor. The Assembly decided to designate the dott.cav. Italo Stecchi, the town pharmacist and former mayor of the City several times before fascism. The name was submitted, by delegation, the governor by Gino Mori and Carlo Baldini. Thus began the new democratic life in the community: the front steps still to be Head Hare Lyrics, Spedaluzzo, Monte angelfish, which is only about half of the municipal territory had been freed, the capital was still subject to shelling, which lasted until 29 the same day every month. (From www.goticatoscana.it )
The road of the heart 2007
To celebrate the 63 anniversary of the liberation of the city, 20 to 22 April 2007 was a great gathering of antique military vehicles and placed in uniform. Hundreds of people and at least 90 vehicles from all over Italy and abroad have gathered to commemorate historical events, visit "places of memory" and recall the entry of troops into the square of the town ripped apart by bombs.
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