Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Construct A Spaghetti Bridge

Knowing less, ie: me at the bottom of what you think and you like me to fuck very

The other day I read an article in La Repubblica - science section - titled "The secret of a life together or do they know less and less."
I state that I love this kind of article, I who I have to Focus, Focus History, Focus Quiz, Test and Focus scrividituttololeggolostessopappappero.
Then when the article talks about psychology and couples, then I go there in a mess of jujube.
Well, 'nuff said: According to scholars in the Journal of Consumer Psychology more you are together, the less you know the other. On the other hand we are convinced, with a good dose of arrogance, to know him well and happily so.
The neo-pairs, on the contrary, they know more than the taste of its partners but are less satisfied (which means that, boh ...).
Apart from that, Oh well ', while the pairs will be lapped past the first period in which even ask what color they prefer to wear socks! Those questions, just the formulas, we will hear an echo in your mind that emphasizes exponentially stupidity and for which you would like to quickly buried beneath a block of tuff because you do not understand the purpose nor the utility of your own question.
The beauty is that it seems that many of the errors on the tastes of the partner comes to food. An example: I am sure you like the roast when in fact you do throw up, I'll riprogongo the happy happy with some regularity because I think you will please you and you never say a fuck.
It is not that great, everything. Here does not mean that you do not know culinary tastes, here it means that you do not communicate at all!
What then I wonder, for example, with the criterion that you choose a film at the cinema? Shall consult I Ching? No, because after 8 years that I go to the cinema with an idea about my movie Gradis him succeed ... Otherwise I have to say that: o I have a twin sister that I can not stand because it replaces the how he crunches the pop-corn, or I do crack and go into a catatonic state in front of the box office until the end of the film.

Basically we're saying that the secret to staying together long and do not talk.
And then you wonder to wake up one day and think of marrying a stranger ...


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