Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Can U Premake Pancake Batter

Poppiano (FI)

The Poppiano Castle, of Roman origin and which derives its name from the gens or Poppeia Papia, was an imposing medieval building with a triple around the walls built around the 'one thousand years as a fortress to defend the external Firenze.Feudo before Alberti, since the thirteenth century belonged to the Guicciardini, who thought they were originating Popian Castella, because in his book De Ugolino Verino illustrat. Urbis. Flor. to Book III, talking about the lineage Guicciardini, repeated the tradition of those who assumed the original Cotesta Poppiano, singing like this:

human opinion alii primas sedes in Flumini
Ac Popian trahant veteres castles colonos
Nobilis et prisca east longeque potentia

However, as highlighted by an act of heritage 'of 1199, in the family for at least nine centuries. Castle for its dominant position on the validity of the Pesa and Elsa, was the scene of important historical events.

I n this long period was the center of many events related to the history of Florence: the raids of lunches Castruccio Castracani the castrum of Poppiano by troops of Giovanni Acuto (John Hawkwood, the famous leader of Ventura English) in 1369 after the Battle of Ditch Armonico, near Main. The castle was destroyed in 1529 by Maramaldo during the siege of Florence, Francesco Guicciardini as recalled in his Memoirs. The Castle as it stands today, while preserving the ancient grandeur, and 'the result of the restoration based on existing images in frescoes of Guicciardini in other villas in Val di Pesa and Val d'Elsa, after the damage caused by an earthquake in 1812.
If the violence of the siege and war did not spare Poppiano, yet it was a recreation center for people like that Vincenzo Borghini used to meet from here with Florence's most educated of the time, as evidenced by correspondence with the Vasari, since the Spedale degli Innocenti had a villa where Spedalinghi were going to spend the autumn.

I Guicciardini since 1200 had an important position in political, social and economic development in Florence and in 1416 Peter G. was named "Count Palatine" Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg. They participated actively in public life in Florence where they supply 44 "priority", 16 "Standard-bearer of justice" and 12 senators.
L personality to 'pre-eminent of the family was Francesco, the historian (1483-1540), after have covered important assignments with Doctors - Ambassador to Spain, Governor of Modena and Reggio, head of the League of Cognac - retired 'in Florence and the stern where he wrote most of his work' note, "History of Italy."

to Poppiano Originally there were two churches: St. Blaise and St. Nicholas, later merged.
The church with two counts became prioress in 1689: the presence of two arms of the portal Guicciardini shows the patronage of this family on the church that they came with liturgical furnishings. At the same periods can be traced back to the restoration of the church. Other
noble family, originally from Poppiano were Ridolfi Piazza whose arms is carved on a marble ciborium beside the high altar adorned with a beautiful wooden crucifix.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Why Sand On Shuffleboard Table

Volterra (PI)

The ancient city of Volterra was founded on a hill of 545 meters separating the Val di Cecina and is from Val d'Era about 80 km from both Florence and the sea. Away from the coast and from pirate raids but dominant on the surrounding areas, this position made it strategically important town since ancient times. The first human settlements date back to the Neolithic, but the real development came up area in the seventh century BC with the peoples Etruscan, which christened the place " Velathri ", making it one of the twelve most important centers of their civilization. The village at the time it reached an estimated population of around 25,000 units - exorbitant when you consider that currently the city has 13,000 inhabitants - and was locked inside a wall more than 7 km long, which made him impregnable and was able to grow and develop a thriving economy.

The independence of the village lasted until the third century BC, when the whole of Etruria was conquered by Rome. There followed centuries of quiet, until the period of the barbarian invasions, when the country was occupied by Heruli first, then the Goths and then by the Lombards, who administered until almost the end dell'VII century. In the thirteenth century

Volterra assumed a communal structure, paving the way for construction of the monuments which still constitute the historical and artistic heritage.
In the fifteenth century came in the sights of Medici Florence by Lorenzo the Magnificent, to give Volterrani a tangible sign of its supremacy and the Sienese a specific warning, had it enlarged the old fortress by building a mighty fortress New , still monumental building that dominates the city. In 1530, in a last desperate hope to regain the lost freedom, Volterra rebelled against the Florentines at war with doctors, with the latter, but was captured and sacked again by Ferrucci. Restored the Medici in Florence, Volterra lost its independence and became one of the city in the state which followed the fortunes of the Medici, Grand Duke, but starts with the domain Volterra and its territory for a certain period of slow but progressive decline that will continue until in the eighteenth century.

the late eighteenth century. and the first half of the nineteenth century. there are increases in agriculture, trade in alabaster and a decisive improvement in road links and the urban village is the subject of a general adaptation and adjustment.
In the second half of the century, after the unification of Italy, apart from some renovation of the spaces within the center old to make way for the offices of the New Kingdom, the most important intervention is the creation of the psychiatric hospital (1888). Finally March 13th, 1860 with 2315 votes, 44 missing and 78 votes against Volterra its annexation to Italy together, paying its price in blood is building up national unity in the 1915-18 war and the struggle of resistance against fascism. In the past, the territory's economy was mainly based on the extraction of copper, alum, of ' alabaster and salt filler that were worked in manufacturing and exports. Today, with the emigration took place after World War II, the industry is based on small craft businesses to alabaster, on the extraction of rock salt on some metelmeccanica and chemical industry, the resident population from 17,840 units in 1951 fell to 13,800 in 1991.


Piazza dei Priori - The land on which city was built during the heart of city life was attributable to the bishop, who exercised its jurisdiction, it regulated the commercial activity, collect taxes and identified with the bishop's lawn, lawn originally the king. And the town, just built, try to substitute these functions in the bishop's authority, dictating, in turn, laws and statutes. Around the displacement Prato began to rise the towers and the first homes and on the vast plain was planted, using German, an elm, under which is gathered regularly consuls and elders to discuss and legislate.

Palazzo dei Priori - Built in 1239 by Maestro Riccardo as the inscription near the entrance, has the form of a parallelopipedo. The facade, covered by three rows of mullioned windows, which are inserted between the units of the municipality, the Volterra cane, is the floral emblems of the Florentine magistrates robbiani garlanded the XV-XVI sec.
the sides, the two pillars surmounted by two marzocchi sorreggenti shield Florence were added in 1472, when the palace became the seat of the sheriff, to symbolize the Florentine dominion over the city. The building is surmounted by a pentagonal tower that after the earthquake of 1846 was the current crown architect Mazzei, who worked in buildings other interventions on the square. Inside, decorated with the coats of arms of Florentine captains, are kept a Crucifixion and Saints, fresco by Pier Francesco Fiorentino, who also painted the Crucifixion in the antechamber of another mayor, while the Virgin and Child is attributed to the Raffaellino Garbo. In the hall of the Major Council, decorated with inscriptions and coats of arms in the nineteenth century. Stands out to canvas the fresco of the Annunciation in Saints Cosmas and Damian and St. Just and Ottaviano di Jacopo di Cione and Nicolò di Pietro Gerini. In the right lunette canvas depicting the Wedding at Cana by Donato Mascagni, XVI century .. In the adjoining room that the Board: panel depicting Persio Flacco di Cosimo Daddi, reported a monochrome fresco painting depicting St. Jerome, two small paintings depicting the Adoration of the Magi by Giandomenico Ferretti (XVIII sec.) And the Virgin Birth of Ignatius Hugford, a canvas Job of the Donato Mascagni. In the false-: sinopia existing fresco of the Annunciation in the council room: around, fine wood postergali inlaid in the fifteenth century., from Monte Pio.

Praetorian Palace - Consisting of several buildings and reduced the current state in the nineteenth century., Was the seat of the Podestà and Capitani del Popolo. On the tower, agreed to be one of the oldest in the city, on a shelf is the figure of a pig from which the popular name given to the Tower. This would be a tribute to the people of Volterra to an animal so common and so important in the surrounding countryside for food and for the economy, especially in the Middle Ages (though are still many dishes based on wild boar).

Piazza San Giovanni - If the Piazza dei Priori is the town center since the age of political life, the Piazza di San Giovanni is the center of religious life . This separation between the spaces of the temporal and spiritual power plant is a characteristic of medieval urban planning of many cities, especially in Tuscany.

Duomo - Dedicated to ' Assumption, the cathedral was rebuilt around 1120 on a pre-existing church dedicated to Santa Maria. The main facade is divided horizontally by a frame in braids and flowers and is divided vertically into three sectors with strong pilasters Lombard-type square. The insertion of the marble entrance to the bezel inlaid with geometric, material consists of layers of Roman, to be carried forward to the thirteenth century. when the whole factory was enlarged and adorned, according to Vasari, by Nicola Pisano . The interior, while retaining the structure in the plant and the Roman form a Latin cross with three naves, the continuing renovations have taken place over the centuries, offers, notably on the line of the aisles, something the late Renaissance. Its structure is grafted to the back of the Palazzo dei Priori.

Baptistery - Opposite the cathedral stands the Baptistery, an octagonal shape, built in half of '200, in which houses a beautiful baptismal font by Sansovino. The surprising thing observed from outside the baptistery is the similarity with that of the dome of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, it seems that was just Brunelleschi in the fifteenth century to give advice on its construction, after Having designed the cover of the cathedral of Florence.

Fortress - built on the highest point of the hill of Volterra, this imposing fortress consists of two buildings, the Old Castle and New Castle, joined together by a double wall, topped by a gallery called The Way of Ronda.
The oldest building dates back to 1343 and is characterized by a semi-elliptical tower, called the Female , attributed to the Duke of Athens . The New Fortress was instead made to raise by Lorenzo de 'Medici was placed on the site where the Bishop's Palace, destroyed by the Florentines during the sack of 1472. It 's a huge square fortress from which rises the Mastio, a high tower nearly double the four corner towers. Vera and fortified town, is in excellent condition thanks to recent restoration, but can not be visited because it is home to a prison.

Doors - The medieval town of Volterra was built in the thirteenth century. Begun, the rising of the century during the consular regime, such as rebuilding and strengthening of the Etruscan walls, was methodically continued until 1254, when the Florentines Costituto imposed by force of arms the people and government of the Guelph party. In 1260 the regime Ghibellines, who succeeded to the Guelph, found the vulnerability of the defense system of Volterra due to the perimeter of the loop too long Etruscan hired forty masters of stone until the city was not completely walled: begun in the fall of 1260, the work was completed within a few years. Ben 8 doors open in the city:

Gate Arch, Etruscan, included in the application of the ancient walls of the fifth century. BC, has without doubt its preservation to its use in the medieval walled town in the XIII century .. The construction of this door seems you should report to three different periods: the sides consist of rectangular blocks such as walls and contemporary, while the strings in tuff seem a reconstruction came after the siege of Sulla (80-82 BC). Uncertain location of the three heads placed at the exterior decoration, which could evoke the sacrifices of lives in the preservation of new development, or a memory of the custom of putting up the gates of the severed heads of vanquished enemies. Perhaps it could be Jupiter and the Dioscuri, or the Capitoline Triad, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.

Selci door, single arch, was built in the sixteenth century. replacing the oldest, also known as the Sun, remained underground for the expansions of the Old Fortress in the fifteenth century .. Door-to-Flints branched roads to the territory of Siena. Very interesting commemorative plaques placed beside this door, remember that the presence of Volterra in almost every act of war since the unification of Italy in the resistance struggle against fascism.

Marcoli Gate, built perhaps in the fourteenth century., Put in direct communication with the monastery of St. Olivetan Andrea (Seminar today) and served as a convenient access to the farmers of the surrounding countryside.

Gate Docciola, built in the thirteenth century. connects the city with the surrounding valley, rich in water and lush vegetation. The port retains the characteristic structures of the filler ports of the thirteenth century. inside and outside with a bow and a round arch with a pointed arch within which it takes place within a low arch or silly.

Porta Fiorentina, formerly known as St. Angel to the nearby church dedicated to the archangel, offers the same architectural structure of the filler door, even if you can see obvious alterations made in the sixteenth century. when the door during the siege of 1530, was hit in the tower above where it was enclosed in a munitions depot. From this port starts the road to Florence, through the Age, Castagno, Gambassi, and Castelfiorentino.

Porta San Francesco, also known as Santo Stefano Pisa, because through the Val d'Era led to Pisa. It is the only gate that retains traces of frescoes on the ceiling, as we know, were present in all the gates of the city. Inside, right, is carved cane Pisan units of measure slightly longer than Volterra, engraved on the facade of the Palazzo dei Priori.

Porta San Felice, built by one simple arm bar that supports two disjoint sections of the castle walls, doors anomalous compared to other cities, has combined the chapel of the saint with the belfry, and the background of the horizon, which offers endlessly to the sea, under a very picturesque making it one of the most charming places of the city.

Porta Diana, outside the medieval city walls, in the direction of Val d'Era, beyond the cemetery, is what remains of Etruscan this port. The weather failed to destroy the door that connected the city with the main Etruscan necropolis.

Acropolis - is a vast area in Piano di Castello where you can read through the various layers of the birth and development of the city, from prehistory to the fifteenth century. Appear visible the foundations of two buildings identified as temples A and B separated by a road intertemplare that surrounds and defines in part the place of worship.
remains of houses of the Hellenistic period, a complex system of tanks, including the so-called swimming pool, central streets and medieval towers rest on older foundations, the endless landscape stretching from the Apennines to the Tyrrhenian Tues make this place one of the most interesting and pleasant city.

Roman Theatre - built in all the Augustan Caecina family, the type of Greek Odeon, taking advantage of the slope of the hill, is reached from the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole (the church of San Michele "site-hole") by means of scalars, which is no longer visible to the continuation of the medieval walls on the perimeter wall of the auditorium summa. Stay with the plan through three major steps covered esedre where it fell to criptoportico IMA auditorium, and then where can clearly see the rows of seats in key areas of tufa and Pignano " itineraries Scalaria " that the steps in accessing the stone of Montecatini.


ASTILUDIUM - Comes from the Latin Middle Ages (HASTA = flag = LUDUS game party), hence the modern name of Astiludio for an event created to revive the people of Volterra, but especially to the many tourists ancient traditions of the game with the flag of which Tuscany is rich, a demonstration in choreography that combines competitive character-order to evoke an ancient feast, with a moment of encounter and friendship between the flag bearers of Volterra and those of other cities Italian can boast similar traditions.
the first Sunday of September at 15.15 exactly all the bells ring simultaneously and in districts That's when the four marches from many ports of the medieval town square in the head to create the tournament.
Volterra Walking on the first Sunday of September seems to be going back in time six centuries between soldiers and archers, knights and ladies, heralds and standard-bearers, multicolored flags that circle accompanied by drum rolls and the sound of trumpets, in a setting truly unique.

The Gift of Spring - has ancient origins, even referring to a pagan ritual where, on the occasion of the vernal equinox, the people were celebrating the passage of Volterra the dark to light a tribute to nature's awakening from the long winter break through the beautification of the city with garlands of spring flowers. With the Gift of Spring, the Gruppo Storico Sbandieratori the Easter Monday of all years, plans to offer to tourists who flock to the city during Easter, the commemoration of this ancient pagan ritual, with a hint of folk and joy. The event takes place in the morning to 11.15 the historical procession, composed of fifty of people in medieval costumes, moves by the door and Flints, covering the entire historic center, arrives in Piazza dei Priori, where he founded the flags of the carousel. Many choreography accompany the showing of the flag, some of which are based on historical events that took place in Volterra medieval and Renaissance architecture.

Volterra AD 1398 - It 's a unique opportunity to dive, as if by magic, the magic atmosphere of the Middle Ages , one of the most beautiful cities of Tuscany. On this occasion, in the historical center of Volterra, a medieval city will be rebuilt in 1398 with markets, craftsmen, musicians, jugglers, commoners and nobles. The city is animated by music groups, theater, jugglers, set in an urban setting that still retains traces of passato.La well aware of the event takes place from morning to night in the historical center of Volterra, is rich in the remains of an ancient past, back in the year of Lord 1398. Dame and serfs, knights, craftsmen, doctors and merchants, nobles and common people, monks and jugglers, musicians and artists bring to life a day of celebration in a Tuscan town at the end of the fourteenth century. The city districts revive the old crafts. The hospital of St. Mary Magdalene will be rebuilt on its original site. Farm animals, the mint, musicians, acrobats and entertainers in fourteenth-century costume, accompany guests up to the final rounds to 24 which closes the festival. During the day in various places in the city, held Scenic and music. http://www.volterra1398.it/

Alabastro - Volterra is a town of Tuscany, unique and unrepeatable, where the changing landscape, so the alternation of the seasons helps to enhance the aura of mystery, solitude and sadness that the romantic pervades.
E 'a city of stone, because the streets are stone and stone are its towers and buildings of stone and its walls are austere. Everything is made of a yellow-gray stone, the benches, which often emerge shells of rare beauty. And the stone, alabaster, is also his craft.
The origin of the name "alabaster " is certainly and perhaps derives from the Egyptian city of Alabastron, once famous for the manufacture of pots and jars for preserving the fragrance. http://www.comune.volterra.pi.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/84


http://www.comune .volterra.pi.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/1