Thursday, January 4, 2007

What Are Drills I Can Do In My Room For Lacrosse

Cavalcade of the Magi - January 6

Since 1417 has documented the existence of a company or confraternity of lay people, dedicated to Saint Magi, which had among its tasks is to organize every three years (since 1447 every five years) a festive representation , called "Festa de 'Magi", and was then paraded through the streets the "Cavalcade of the Magi." This consisted of three different parades, who gathered in front of the Baptistery and they continued together until the Basilica di San Marco, with songs and prayers worshiped the Child Jesus.
In the Company of the Magi, also known as "The Star", were part of the major components of the Medici family. The fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli, commissioned by Cosimo the Elder in 1459 for the chapel of his palace in Via Larga, offering visual evidence of the most famous "Ride", which appear in family members, including Giuliano and Lorenzo. The company probably paid for this bond with the deletion, which occurred immediately after the expulsion of the Medici from Florence in 1494.

Subsequently, the force of the Magi lost until it was abandoned. The initiative of the Opera del Duomo, in collaboration with the Association "Il Fiorino" and under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Florence, thus helping to revive one of the expressions most joyous and life of Renaissance Florence. Since it was restored, the representation has become one of the largest re-enactment of the Epiphany at the national level, thanks to the active involvement of folk groups of the City of Florence and other towns of Tuscany, through their associations and set out on foot horse, have expanded and enriched the event. Today

Ride, consisting of the Magi and a procession of characters, from Piazza Pitti in the early afternoon of 6 January, and after crossing the Ponte Vecchio, arrives in Piazza della Signoria, Florence joined the bandits. The parade goes by Calzaiuoli until you reach Piazza del Duomo, where the Magi presenting offerings to the Christ Child in the Living Nativity set in the churchyard of St. Maria del Fiore. After reading a passage from the Gospel of Matthew (2, 1-12) and greetings from the Archbishop of Florence and President of the Opera, the festival of the children of the Diocese.


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