Thursday, September 25, 2008

Appalachian State Slippers

back in time 2008 - Pitch Yoke - Scarborough

Commemoration historic battles of breaching the Gothic Line during World War II. The passage of the yoke was a theater of this tragic event, faithfully recreated by the "Gothic Line Tuscany."

"back in time: 1944-2008"
1, live in the open air museum - 4th Edition
visit to a reconstructed field battle of the 2nd World War
with vehicles, wagons, equipment, tents, curiosity and soldiers moving

for info

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boxxi Game App For My Cell Phone


A t the eve of the Nativity of Mary, the peasants in the mountains of Pistoia casentinesi and they walked to Florence to celebrate the anniversary in Piazza Santissima Annunziata, where just the 8 September was held a big fair where they could sell their products. Along the way, lights the way with lanterns of various shapes used in the city of course. The salacious Florentines could not save himself from taking some of these rude people around who seemed so to a strange city, and particular object of scorn were the peasants with their clumsy ways hurry up and clothes.
So every year, especially young people came together to make noise and make fun of the peasants and, inspired by their shapes and the clothes of women in the country, began to build their own lanterns, which over time they will call their own lanterns . Fiericulone was in fact the nickname given to women, because both were attending the fierucola is to invoke the curves of the same abundant.
In the midst of this confusion comes from if someone started throwing watermelon peels to ignite the lamps, lanterns and these are still beloved from the smallest, to have arrived to this day even though the shapes are very different (from the crescent to the headlight, the train to the rocket) and the skins of watermelon have been replaced by more efficient and accurate blowpipe. So every year on the evening of September 7, gardens and squares of Florence are full of children with their lanterns in a party always loved.

Festa Fiorentina

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Small Puss Bubbles In Mouth

The Dinner of the Society of Emperor

Peretola - San Biagio in Petriolo

"Roma caput mundi, Peretola secundi"

From the old country said this was pronounced gravely and nodding his head but no one could explain their meaning. The appearance of the Emperor of the East in Peretola, with all the intrigue of the character exuded ancient popular mind, was certainly an event that honored the country at the time and these events always left traces in local memory. Considering how the Renaissance was very attenuated the myth of the Roman emperors could not be excluded that the curious said to have originated from this event.
Emperor of Constantinople, John VIII Palaeologus, July 27, 1439 appeared with his entourage on the square of Peretola and the case he wanted was hosted by Giovanni de 'Pilli in his palace Petriolo.A of this connection, in the village of Petriolo, a few centuries later, came another great dignitary such as the East Indian prince Maharajah of Kholapur Chuttraputti Rajaram, the event is the beautiful monument and the Indian name. But back to the emperor of Constantinople, as we find it in memory of Giovanni de 'Pilli.

"A July 27 MCCCCXXXVIIII, I found myself in Latin Giovanni Jacopo de 'Get up lora third or slightly before, the square of Peretola, I saw coming from the street of Prato, Agnolo of Jachopo Acciaiuoli chon alcuanti familiars, et dicto ringing the door of the church of Peretola, et alchune sometimes he gets off. And seeing I do not gl'essere open, I went to aluminum, et domandolo to go faciendo, et what he wanted from the prior, riding my question was honest. He answered: I come from gun from Prato et chompagnia in the emperor's Chostantinopoli. "The priest refused hospitality dall'Acciaiuoli sought, so Giovanni de 'to Pilli Petriolo proposed his palace which was willingly accepted." Et Our right to Chase the chondusse, in which he was forty to fifty chon chavagli very well developed chon et many of his barons, lords and gentle huomini; er because he was lost in the legs till later in our room at chavallo (...) and there sleep a sleep to those who till its provid his eating (...) And note, chella first dish I eat a salad of parsley porcelain et chon many onions, et he wanted nettare.Dipoi ebony pipioni chickens and boiled, and afterwards pipioni chickens and quartered and fried in the pan with lard (...) ellultima His food was thrown into some huova chaldi on the bricks, where Serano laltre cooked things, and messogliele chon many spices in a bowl (...) In the evening, hours XXIII, and by chance later, Messer Agnolo send for me, sugar nellorto chon than his kind huomini, et feciemi kneeling before the emperor said (...) and menatogli chavallo in the room and close the output, mount chavallo, and held on the street of Florence along Larne. And we afterwards to chommemorazione of those chose, faciem paint his alarm over the output of our room, chome Anchora seen. "

To commemorate the event on the facade of the Palazzo de 'Pilli will discover a marble plaque.

Notes by Marco Conti

's hand as the commissioner Eugenio Giani to Florence Tourism commented on the event:

"The Emperor's Dinner wants to evoke the historical episode that highlights the significance of which had Peretola independent center of Florence in the context of a vast area to the historic center of Prato Florence showed the community with its own history and identity.

Peretola has grown over time as a town and then as a country for the fundamental importance of roads, existing roads 'Prato' and 'Pistoia', which is essential for crossing cross-references from Tuscany from Florence to the sea, but too plain for the crossing of the Apennines in the various points that every historical epoch has singularly privileged by the Radici Pass, the mountains of Pistoia.

Peretola was the center of accommodation for travelers who licked Florence without having to enter the ancient walls that also were closed at dusk.

was a source of great pride and historical significance for Castruccio Castracani, tell us about the Chronicle of Giovanni Villani, come to occupy Peretola to organize the final assault on Florence in the early fourteenth century, only to be prevented by the arrival of death by disease fever that took him to succumb in just three days.

The vitality and sense of autonomy of the party in the west of Florence in this otherwise well for historians who know how until 1930 Brozzi Peretola and have been an independent town with its Town Hall, participatory bodies, ability to address development and decision Local.

There is therefore no wonder that in certain Village that gave rise to the strain of Vespucci, Amerigo so dear to the famous, the emperor John VIII Palaeologus had decided to stop a hot July evening in 1439 when, by order of Cosimo il Vecchio, Florence was the center of the largest event International Christendom: the Council with which the Pope Eugene IV, she intended to the delicate and grandiose goal of reunification between the Western Catholic Church and the Orthodox East.

John VIII Palaeologus came from Prato and probably intended to be housed in the church, but the hospitality of the noble John Pilli allowed him to happily spend the night in the palace of the family noble dynasty 'de Pigli'. This is an episode that will be remembered in a plaque on the building by the Club Bruno Cecchi, Peretola meritorious institution.

should draw inspiration from this episode to see how the story of Peretola and Brozzi should be carefully re-discovery and finding more and more valued, the opportunity to recall the identity of the ancient center now more integrated into the overall development of Florence.

Thanks to Marco Conti and Prof. Marco di Branco for the passion and expertise of their research, Renzo Funosi for the irreplaceable role of organization and promotion of the social operating at Peretola. "
The restaurant
"by Burde" , with its hundred years, is a landmark local food and cultural. The environment is characterized by a furniture stratificatosi during its long historical past. The restaurant is part of a historic Florence and its cuisine has also been coded as "typical" by the City. Specializing in Florentine cuisine in a family business, among other things, it also offers the traditional flavors of medieval dishes.